Important Dates 1. Red Cross Volunteer Enrollment Day 12, January 2. International Women Day 8, March 3. World Health Day 07, April 4. World Red Cross Day 08, May 5. World Environment Day 05, June 6 World Blood Donation Day 14, June 7. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 17, June 8. World Refugee Day 20, June 9. International Day against Drug Abuse & illicit Trafficking 26, June 10. World Population Day 11, July 11. Geneva Conventions Day 12, August 12. International Literacy Day 08, September 13. International First Aid Day 13, September 14. International Day of Peace 21, September 15. Voluntary Blood Donation Day 01, October 16. World Disaster Reduction Day 13, October 17. ICRC Foundation Day 29, October 18. Children”s Day 14, November 19. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women 25, November 20. World AIDS Day 01, December 21. World Disabled Day 3, December 22. Human Rights Day 10, December 2012-09-08