The Patient Care Attendant Services were started in 1990 in Chandigarh by Dr.B.D. Gupta (Retd.), Head of Radiotherapy Department, Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Sector-32, Chandigarh Initially, this service was started with 20 Patient Care Attendants after imparting them 15 days training at his residence #238, Sector 15-A, Chandigarh by Dr. Gupta. These services were started in this office by Late Miss Tejinder Kaur Manocha, Deputy Secretary, IRCS, Punjab State Branch. The following were the main Aims & Objectives for starting these services: –
1. For providing services to the needy at their door steps.
2. For providing services for baby care also of the working women.
3. To provide opportunity to the female youth for serving with respectable honorarium at the state places.
4. To provide opportunity to the elder women of BPL category for serving with respectable honorarium at the safe places.
5. To provide job opportunity to the destitute to make them earning hands.
6. To provide job opportunity to the unemployed girls with respectable honorarium.
At present, there is 500 Patient Care Attendants enrolled by Punjab State Red Cross Branch for providing services in and around Chandigarh.
A unique services to provide care to the patients at their Door steps in and around Chandigarh, Patient Care Attendant are being sent to home of the needy to look after the old and sick persons. The State Branch has enrolled about 500 men/ women/ Boys/ Girls for this service and provided opportunity for job to them. Those people who enroll them at Punjab Red Cross for catering this service are being imparted Training of Patient Care Service for 05 days in both ways i.e; theoretically and practically. After successful completion of the said training, they are issuing with Certificate and deputed for the service as per requirement. The terms and conditions laid down for this service Requisition from, Patient Care Attendant Registration forms are being given as per Performa.
1. Registration fee Rs. 300/-(Non refundable) shall be payable along with application for 3 months by the applicant/ borrower.
2. The Patient Care Attendant at the time of first registration will deposit Rs. 700/- as registration and Training fee. After getting training as and when he/she is deputed for duty, he/she has to deposit Rs. 200/- first time and thereafter they will have to deposit Rs. 100/- per month for the work allotted to her/him.
3. For attendant duty in Hospital, charges will be Rs.300/- per day and Rs.350/- per night for those who are not deployed on monthly basis.
4. For availing the services of PCA, the office of Indian Red Cross Society, Punjab State Branch will have to be informed atleast 24 hours in advance to make the attendant available.
5. Patient Care Attendant will not give injection to the patient.
6. Patient Care Attendant will not undertake any domestic work except looking after the patient.
7. In case the period/duration of service/contract of the Patient Care Attendant is required to be extended, the Applicant will have to inform to this office well in advance in writing.
8. Rs 300/- per day will be charged for less than 01 month period during day for 8 hours.
9. Rs 350/- per day will be charged for less than 01 month period during night for 12 hours.
10. Duty for day for eight hours from 9.00 A.M. to 5 P.M. on monthly basis @ 7,000/- P.M. . Three casual leave are to be allowed in one month w.e. f. Jun 2015. The duty will be for eight hours, over time will be 50/- extra per hour.
11. Duty for night from 8.P.M. to 8 A.M. on the next day i.e. for 12 hours, on monthly basis Rs.8,000/- P.M. Three casual leave are to be allowed in one month w.e.f. Jun,2015.
12. Actual Bus fare for onward and return journey will be borne by the applicant/borrower in addition to the salary.
13. For any information or suggestion you may contact on telephone No. 0172-2542180.2784299.
14. For providing 24 hours attendant services, the charges will be Rs. 16,000/- per month. Besides this, arrangement of boarding and lodging for the Patient Care Attendant will be made by the applicant/borrower.
15. Registration for 24 hours services will be Rs. 600/- on non refundable basis.
16. Any Applicant/Borrower will not give advance Payment to PCA, if the same is paid to PCA, the office will not be responsible for it.